Cascading bouquet. Wedding bouquets in dusty rose black cinnamon white colors. Bridal bouquet. Faux bouquet. Bridesmaid bouquet. Gothic black wedding bouquet. 5203
Dusty Rose, Black, Cinnamon, and White Cascading Wedding Bouquets – Gothic Bridal & Bridesmaid Designs
Add a gothic flair to your wedding with these stunning cascading bouquets in dusty rose, black, cinnamon, and white from Kochetova Flowers. Crafted with high-quality faux flowers, these bridal and bridesmaid bouquets create a bold yet romantic look for your special day. The unique color palette combines the softness of dusty rose with the richness of black and cinnamon, making these bouquets perfect for gothic, vintage, or moody wedding themes. Whether you choose a classic bridal bouquet or a cascading design, these faux flowers bring lasting beauty and elegance to your gothic-inspired wedding.
The bouquets contain: roses calla lilies hydrangeas anthurium dahlias pampas grass several types of eucalyptus
All dimensions are total length or width.
The bridal bouquet : The width of the bridal bouquet -17"( 42cm) The height of the bouquet- 15" (40cm)
The width of the bouquet for bridesmaids -10" (25сm)
The length of the cascading bouquet is about 20" (50cm) The width of the top of the bouquet is 11"( 26 cm)
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Dusty Rose, Black, Cinnamon, and White Cascading Wedding Bouquets – Gothic Bridal & Bridesmaid Designs