Introducing our Summer Whisper Wildflower Wedding Bouquet – a petite and enchanting arrangement that captures the essence of a summer romance. This small but impactful bouquet, curated in a delightful palette of dusty blue, dusty pink, and peach hues, brings the natural beauty of wildflowers to your celebration.
The gentle touch of dusty blue adds a sense of tranquility, while the dusty pink and peach tones infuse the bouquet with warmth and romance. This bouquet captures the untamed beauty of nature, perfect for a summer wedding that celebrates love in its most natural form.
Embrace the beauty of the season with this charming bouquet that speaks to the carefree spirit of summer. A celebration of love, nature, and the magic that happens when the two intertwine, our Summer Whisper Wildflower Wedding Bouquet is the perfect companion for your summer wedding.
The bouquets contain: roses daisies poppies astilbe hydrangea cosmos several types of greenery
All dimensions are total length or width.
The width of the bouquet - 13"( 33cm) The height of the bouquet-13" (33cm)
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Small wedding bouquet in dusty blue, dusty pink and peach colors. Bridal bouquet. Faux bouquet. Bridesmaid bouquet. 5264