Introducing our new bouquet – a spectacular fusion of deep red and coral hues, crafted with precision to capture the everlasting beauty of roses and peonies. This exquisite bouquet is the perfect floral companion for your special day, offering a timeless and elegant touch that will endure beyond the celebration.
This artificial bridal bouquet of roses and peonies mirrors the organic flow of a freshly picked bouquet, creating a lush and natural appearance that complements your wedding attire with grace and refinement.
Elevate your wedding day with the enduring charm of our bouquet – a stunning blend of deep red and coral blossoms. Enjoy the splendor of everlasting flowers on your special day and beyond.
The bouquets contain: roses peonies hydrangeas pampas grass several types of eucalyptus
All dimensions are total length or width.
The bridal bouquet : The width of the bridal bouquet - 16"( 42cm) The height of the bouquet- 16" (42cm)
The width of the bouquet for bridesmaids -10" (25сm)
Cascading bouquet: The length is about 20" (50cm) The width of the top of the bouquet is 11"( 26 cm)
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Wedding bouquets in deep red and сoral colors. Bridal bouquet. Cascading bouquet. Faux bouquet. Bridesmaid bouquet. 5268